Okemos Studio and Helping Women Period {Okemos Photographer, Helping Women Period, Okemos Senior Portraits, Okemos Family Portraits, Lansing Photographer}
So excited to announce our new fundraising drive for November!
It seems like everyone has family portraits taken. Or children's portraits. But what about couples? I feel like they're lost in the push for kid and family portraits, but sometimes a family is just 2 people. Why shouldn't couples have professional portraits, too?
You have a portrait of your parents, right? Something that you can tell took a little effort. They made an appointment with a photographer and chose their clothes carefully. Your dad may have gotten a haircut and your mom may have bought a new outfit. They took the time to create a portrait that YOU cherish. Sure, at the time they did it for themselves, but you're the one enjoying it now, aren't you? Do you ever regret their choice to create a portrait of just the 2 of them?
Well, when was the last time you did a portrait of just you and your significant other? Don't you think it's time?
Take advantage of our latest fundraiser and get a free couples session AND save 15% off your package! How? Bring in just 4 packages of feminine hygiene products and we'll waive your session fee. Order when you see your images a week later, and you'll save 15 % off your package! A perfect to do some Christmas shopping!
Helping Women Period is a non profit organization whose mission is to help ensure
that ALL women have the products they need, when they need them. They are
supplying shelters, food banks, and homeless organizations with feminine
hygiene items.
So whether you're celebrating the upcoming birth of a baby, your anniversary, your engagement, or just that you've chosen each other, make an appointment today. Take a portrait. Capture this moment. You won't regret it. And neither will those who love you.
For more information on Helping Women Period, visit http://www.helpingwomenperiod.org/
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