Friday, March 20, 2015


oldham project
Luck is a funny thing. 
These images are from an amazing session we did with an amazing woman and her family.  As you can see, Amber's smile can light up a room and she's as beautiful as she is determined to beat her cancer.  We were SO lucky to be able to photograph her!   And I'm sure she thinks she's lucky that she found the Oldham Project, and she could have this experience at no cost to her or her family.  Personally, I think we were luckier.  :-)

But when you hear Amber's story - you see she has had just a bit of luck of her own.  Her cancer saved her baby's life - and her baby saved hers.  That's amazing.  Just like her.
It's hard to say 'lucky' when you're talking about cancer, but sometimes it's true.  So, here's to you, Amber!  You're an amazing, beautiful, strong, inspiring woman.  Keep fighting.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Spring is coming - and so are the bunnies! {Bunny photos/portraits - Lansing/Okemos Michigan photographer} Bunny Special starts March 9!

The Funnest Week of the Year is about to begin! We love the Bunny Special! You just don't know Joy until you see a little one be introduced to a live bunny rabbit. Ok, so maybe a couple of children are a little skittish, but most warm up and have a blast! Ironically, we find children who have grown up with big dogs to be the most nervous - those that have kitties are fine! They're used to furry little things that want to get close. :-)  In any case, we always succeed and have some priceless portraits for you to enjoy forever!
Reminder -this special is for children ages 6 months to 12 years.  Children over 12 are allowed if they're with younger siblings.  :-)  We don't want to leave anyone out!
Note - Okemos Studio's Bunny Special starts on March 9 and some days are already limited on availability - be sure to call this week to get your best choice of times!  We always get last minute calls that fill up the end of the week.  Don't miss out - call 517-349-3340 today!