Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Senior Portraits - busy, busy, busy! [Senior portraits - Okemos - Lansing, MI - photographer]

   Oh, to have summers off.  To be able to enjoy these beautiful days - when it's beautiful, that is.  And not too hot.  Or too cold.  But just right.   Like today.  I'm actually able to have the door open in the office - and not have the cold air conditioner blowing on me.   Bliss.
Nhung L., Okemos
   But we don't take summers off here at the studio- we're just too busy!   Why?  Summer is the best time for senior portraits in Michigan - the weather's great for outdoors and the students have free time.
Miranda S., Kearsley High
Coty, Lansing Catholic
Oh, and don't forget the yearbook portrait is due just about a month after school starts!  Yes - the earliest local school deadline is October 18th.   Yes, that's 2 1/2 months away - but you know how fast time goes.  It will be here before you know it.   School will be starting before you know it!
Lindsey L., East Lansing
   So...here we are in the midst of summer - and here are a few samplings of what's been keeping us busy.
Brevin, Eaton Rapids
   Whether you want indoors or out - formal or casual - smiling or not- we work hard to bring your personality out in your portraits.   We welcome your ideas, input and requests.  We're professionals, remember?  Our clients choose us for a reason.  :-)
Jacob, Okemos High

Friday, July 26, 2013

A little girl in her mother's wedding dress. Adorable. [Okemos Studio - Lansing, MI Photographer - Children Portraits]

Giggles and curls,
ribbons and bow,
they're so adorable,
from their head to their toes-

Author Unknown

   How is this for an awesome idea - a little girl dressed up in her mother's wedding dress!  (thank you Pinterest for giving her mom the idea.)   Our little model here was quite happy to play dress up in such a fancy gown - posed like an angel - and then her personality came out in giggles and goofiness.   Perfect.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer is such an awesome time for sessions. [Okemos Studio - Lansing Photographer - Child/Family Portraits]

     Michigan summers.   Such a mixed bag - so hot last week my house was sealed up like a mausoleum to keep the air conditioning inside.  Windows shut, curtains drawn, and even then the upstairs never really got 'cool'.
     Fast forward to this week, where I had to have the heat on in the car to keep my toes warm this morning.  I had the windows, open, mind you - to enjoy that great morning breeze, but it was a too cool for my little piggies.  AND I had to wear a sweater!
     But, it's what we've come to expect from Michigan.  You never know what you're going to get in a certain week, but it's certain it won't last - whatever it is.   The monsoons from 2 weeks ago were a big problem for us and our outdoor sessions, but we did manage a few nice days.   And here's a session to prove it.   These adorable munchkins are my niece and nephew.   They live out of state, so I don't get to see them nearly enough - but I do get to photograph them when they're here.  I just love their energy, their laugh, and their cheeks!
    We are so fortunate to have our outdoor studio!  When we lost a big tree years ago, it was apparent we had to make some changes to our back yard.  So we hired a landscape architect and designed a studio perfect for outdoor photography.  If you haven't seen it before, you should stop by.   People are always amazed when they step out onto our deck and see what's 'hidden' behind the studio.   Pond, waterfall, 'beach', barn, arbor, flowers, pine trees, brick, English gate and more!  Right here on Grand River!   We've got it all.  So, if you'd like to get in a session this summer - give us a call - soon!   Summer will be over before we know it.   And we'll be back to wearing parkas.  :-)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Oldham Project - [Okemos Studio - children/family - photographer]

This lovely lady, Peggy, is one of our Oldham Project participants.  Our photographer, Katie, had the privilege of visiting Peggy's home to photograph her in front of the beautiful flowers she had on her front porch.  
For those not familiar with the Oldham Project, here is a little info, found at www.theoldhamproject.org:

The Oldham Project began as a thought after the funeral of a second sister to die of cancer. Named for these sisters who fought valiant, courageous fights but eventually succumbed to breast cancer, and a third sister, who has ultimately saved her life with preventative surgery — the Oldham Project was conceived to document the lives of everyone who is fighting a battle for their lives. It is a tribute to them and their strength and courage.
In 2008, The Oldham Project became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, dedicated to providing free portrait sessions to those suffering from life threatening or terminal illnesses. Families in our community are suffering the loss of a loved one each and every day. Through this organization, we offer these fine portraits FREE of charge so that their memory may be kept alive for generations to come. 

Since the Oldham Project's purpose is to document the lives of these participants, we ask each person if they'd like to be photographed with anything special.  Something that they would like others to remember them for.   Peggy was proud of her flowers - and her motorcycle - so a session at home was a must!   Katie enjoyed her session - and her homemade chocolate chip cookies - and I think Peggy enjoyed it, too.  :-)