We purposefully put in all the natural features people request most- like a pond with waterfall, lots of foliage, flowers, trellis, sandy beach scene, and tall wildflowers. But, we also have a lot of architectural sets like barn wood, wood siding, metal sheeting, brick & concrete to give us a variety of options for every session.
Since we have been in business for 50 years, we're constantly changing and adding new design elements.
Here are a few of the changes we've made - the metal sheeting gives a nice textural element, with some reflectiveness for interest. The blue door is a pop of color that complements most any outfit! And the red barn wood is from a salvage yard and decades old. We haven't touched that one - it's perfect the way it is!
We invite you to stop by and take a peek at everything we offer. You'll be shocked at what is back there!

I love your photos embedded in your blog posts, but post more photos of guys! You do a great job with them as well, but it's easier for a guy to see what some of the options are (and how clothes factor into it) when there are more examples they can relate to. Thanks.
Amy, Good point! At this time we just didn't have many Guys to use as samples! I will post more today!
Thank you for your input!
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